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•   Tracy Smithson (Buckley)  7/26
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Hello, Brian here,

It's been a long time, but I hope some of you from NEHI remember me.

Have you ever read a book and then seen a movie made from that book? Did the film fall short of your expectations? If so, it was a truly great book.

Over twenty-two years ago, I had an idea for a story. When I began writing "Stories from Terragrand", I wanted to create one of those truly great books. I also wanted to create an entirely new world of mystery and intrigue. I hope my novel has accomplished these goals and created an enjoyable story, but that is for others to determine.

It has been a long road with many twists and turns. On December 31, 2023, I finally published the seven e-books that comprise Stories from Terragrand. For ease of reading, I broke this single novel into seven volumes. Eventually, I wish to release the story in hardback (with the color photos from the e-books), paperback, and audiobooks.

I would have never made it to this point without the generous support and encouragement I received from my cousin, Sandy Black Wolf. For many years now, she has edited the books and given me helpful feedback to improve the chapters.

Stories from Terragrand is a heartwarming story of adventure on an unexplored planet in the New Bang. Far distant from the Big Bang, planets there need a circumference of nearly ten million miles to have the same gravitational values as Earth’s. With the advent of Time Constancy, plants, animals, and humans migrate from the Big Bang to the New Bang over millions of years.

Terragrand is the name of the planet that sets the stage for these stories. Over one hundred thousand continents grace its surface. Some continents cover more land area than the entire surface of planet Earth. As with Earth’s mere seven continents, life forms on each continent vary widely. On Terragrand’s seemingly endless land masses, the variations are far more extreme.

This set of stories takes place in the earliest years of human habitation on the planet. The settlements have a colonial flavor with old-world charm. Some technological advancements endure among the struggling populations but very few. The pages introduce memorable heroines, heroes, villains, and uniquely evolved creatures. Danger lurks on every new continent. The chapters may seem unrelated at first but eventually intertwine.

Great stories need great endings, so I did my best. I decided to end the story in a way that answers mysteries that I developed in earlier chapters. The closing chapter would mean little to anyone who is not intimately familiar with the story’s characters and events. For those who become invested, the ending will invoke an unexpected feeling of satisfied fulfillment.

The hardest part for a novel to become widely accepted is getting those initial readers. If it is memorable enough, those pioneering individuals will spread the word. The best part about being among the first readers is that every twist in the story comes as a surprise. Nobody spoils details by talking about them before others have a chance to read the books. Therefore, I invite you to become one of those adventurous souls and embark on the journey of a lifetime. Please, give this unknown writer a chance and enjoy these Stories from Terragrand.

(The books are available online in many places including Amazon. The easiest way to find the places that the books are available is to type my name, Brian Petsel, into a search engine or on Amazon. The books titled "Stories from Terragrand" will appear. Otherwise, they are difficult to locate.)

Thank you for taking the time to read this narrative. I hope that you will consider reading the seven volumes that consumed so many years of my life while creating.

Yours truly, Brian Petsel

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