Northeast High School
Class Of 1980
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Kim Ponce Preston
Profile Updated: January 19, 2025
Residing In: | kenneth city, FL USA |
Occupation: | retired |
Children: | Missy age 30' Heather age 29, Gina age 26. Grandchildren: Kayla age11, Jonathan age 10, Deshawn age More…10, Jayden age 9 and Jordan 7, Dallas 4, Kamiyah 3, Gabriel 3 |
I have lived in St Pete since NEHI, got married in 1988 had three daughters. Divorced 2010.
School Story:
I have always wondered if I even went to High School, I could never remember more than a few people from school. Except Cathy Foreman, Debbie Koehler, Rene Okrent, Suzzane Pfromer, Tina Beckner, and then when I looked at everyones picture I was able to remember more. This was really a neat thing to do here. I enjoyed it. Due to health reasons I was unable to attend the 30 years Reunion, but hope to go to the next one. I heard they were trying to put one together in a few years.
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Posted: Sep 17, 2014 at 10:26 PM

Top, left to right: Missy (daughter) Me, Heather (daughter, holding her baby Jordan. Gina (daughter)
Bottom row: Missys son Jonathan, her daughter Kayla
Ginas son Deshawn, and Heathers son Jayde
Bottom row: Missys son Jonathan, her daughter Kayla
Ginas son Deshawn, and Heathers son Jayde
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:47 PM

My sweet babies...(okay grandchildren) I raise Kayla she is three and 1/2. And Deshawn lives with us to and his mommy, he is 1 1/2.
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